Bianca Dancose-Giambattisto, MSC. PT, BSC. KIN
Bianca is a member of the “Ordre Professionnel de la Physiothérapie du Québec (OPPQ)”. She competed internationally as a Canadian national team gymnast and at the NCAA collegiate level for the University of Florida (Go Gators!) where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in applied physiology & kinesiology. She then pursued a master’s degree in physical therapy at McGill University, specializing in sports, orthopedic and pelvic floor rehabilitation. Bianca is a guest speaker in the sexology department at UQÀM and contributes to academic research initiatives in pelvic health.
Bianca has a particular interest in women’s health and artistic sports. She developed an expertise in treating gymnasts and professional dancers in the areas of performance optimization, pelvic health and injury prevention.
Warm, passionate and energetic, Bianca enjoys functional training (particularly core work), skiing, contemporary dance and would like to explore rock climbing. She values personal growth while having fun and connecting with her friends, family and patients.